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October 5th, 2012- First and Only News

Just got back from Spot Light Sound Studios, and hopefully I'll have new recordings in a few months. Till then, just look for me at open mics around the Kennesaw/Woodstock areas, or check out my youtube/tumblr/facebok. Thanks so much you guys!

-Anthony A

October 18, 2012- My Name​​​

I’ve been sick since Tuesday afternoon. You have to remember that for the rest of this story to make sense.​ Tuesday night I was sitting on the green couch in my garage with a few friends. We were just smoking and talking when my phone made the “You Have Mail” noise. Only people who have something important to say leave voice mail, so while everyone was chatting away, I put my phone up to my ear and listened to it.

It was from the owner of, David Cordz. He said that a music supervisor had heard my song “My Name,” and he had some questions about it. I waited a few hours to calm down (because every little thing excites me) before I called him back. We talked on the phone for about an hour, and the bottom line of the conversation was this: A music supervisor from LionsGate Films had heard my song and wanted to pay me to put it in one of their movies. I was so excited, I didn’t know what to say. The only problem was I needed a better recording then the one above, and I needed it before noon tomorrow. I told him I would try to get it.

I then called up Lee Jennings, who told me his band had canceled only moments before and that he could get my in his studio at 9 in the morning. I was so excited I didn’t sleep. The next morning, I got up at 8 and warmed up my voice and then drove 30 minutes to east cobb. It took two hours, but we got the recording done. I was so excited that I had forgotten how sick I had been.

​When I got home, I called David and told him I had the recording, but he said it was probably too late. He said he’d leave Lionsgate a message, but they might not call back.

They didn’t.

Still, the fact that a bigwig noticed me is incredible. I feel confident, like I can actually be somebody now.

And that is my story of the 10,000 dollar song: My Name.​

November 7, 2012-

I feel like I haven’t given any news in a while and I totally need to. Last I left off I believe was the Post Oak Tritt story, so there’s a lot to catch up.​

I’ve been (slowly) uploading videos from my show with Frankie Muniz. I met him, he was a really nice guy. We didn’t talk a whole lot, but he stood around and let people take photos, did the autograph thing. It was a great night, and all the bands that played were just wonderful. Timequare TimeBomb, SS Vendetta, Treephort, and Kings Foil. You should look all these bands up because they were all fantastic. Punk Rock to the Max.​

Moving forward, I’ve been having some serious writers block lately. Nothing that came out was really impressive or worth wild, so I scraped it all. That is, until Friday (the day before my next show). I was booked at The Masquerade from this agency I’m with, and I’m really excited to be moving out of Kennesaw and into Atlanta. I feel like that really sparked my new song (which I’ll upload when it’s done.) Other than that, I played a show last night but forgot my camera. It wasn’t recorded. It was a decent show, only a few people showed up so we were all making jokes and being rude to each other. It was a lot of fun!​

December 10th, 2012- First things first. Thank you to all the new and old fans, I really appreciate it! I said something about doing an online show for all my online fans, so that’s something to look forward to eventually (hopefully within the next couple of months).

Next on the list is that Localpaloza went well, and I’m really looking forward to all the other shows I have coming up.
If you like the music you heard on my page, they can all be downloaded for free at They’re only free till the end of the year so get it while you can.
ON A SIDE NOTE: If you ever want me to play at a party, or just a house show, I gladly will with a place to stay and some grub. A way to get there would be awesome too, but we can work around that.
Before I go off to do other things, I would like to mention that there is an Anthony Aquard/Drew Husby tour being planned for this summer! If everything goes like we hope, then my team and I should be heading up to New York around June or July, so look out for that!
This is all the news I have for now. Catch you guys on the flippity flop.

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